Our Values and Our Principles

Our Values and Our Principles

TÜRER Mining acts in line with its values ​​and principles while determining the strategies to be followed in order to realize its vision and mission. These values ​​and principles, which are indispensable for TÜRER Mining at every stage, are also a business and lifestyle rule. 

Value Added Consciousness

Adding value to people and nature with each project,

Customer Satisfaction

Providing aesthetic, rational and satisfactory solutions to its customers,


Increasing productivity by developing the power and creativity of its stakeholders and employees,

Security and Privacy

To have a structure that is reliable, aware of its social responsibilities, protects the rights of the people and institutions it works with, and complies with the principles of confidentiality,

Respect for the Individual and the Environment

Fulfilling its responsibilities towards the individual and the environment by acting in accordance with the laws and regulations in all its projects and activities,

Honesty and Fair Treatment

To be honest and fair in the relations with the stakeholders and employees with whom we work together in the projects, to provide mutual benefit

Entrepreneurial, Innovative and Leadership

Being an entrepreneur to ensure continuity in service, being innovative to not lag behind the times, being a leader by making investments that shape the sector,

Teamwork and Solution Focus

To reach the solution as soon as possible by expertly evaluating the special conditions specific to the project encountered with its professional staff based on knowledge, in line with its values ​​and principles.